Tata Steel Apps

Tata Wiron 5.0
Tata Steel
- Tata Wiron App has been developed for theDealers of Tata Wiron to facilitate the process of ConsumerRegistration for the Consumer Scheme and Lucky Draw. Through thisapp the Dealers can easily capture the consumer details and submitonline. Once the consumer is registered, he/she will get anacknowledgment message with the registration number.- The app also provides the feature to operate in offline mode andthe Dealer can register the consumer details when connectivity isnot there and upload the details when the connectivity isavailable.- The scheme information is made available to the consumers andDealers through offline promotions.- Tata Steel reserves the right to disqualify all entries that donot meet the rules and regulations of the Lucky Draw. These includeentries submitted with invalid or incorrect information.
Tata Steel
Tata Steel’s Industrial By-products ManagementDivision (IBMD) adopts the 3-R approach of Recover, Re-use andRe-cycle in handling the various by-products of the steel valuechain.Now through its Mobile application, IBMD Konnect, it provides thefollowing features to its customers.- Customer Order Status – Current status of Active Orders,Dispatch quantities, Balance quantities, etc.- Customer Account Information – Order History and status- Product Information - Information on all the products of IBMD
Tata Steel
This App is for TSL Channel PartnersFeatures:--Geo Tagging Customers( Geo Tag Customers of ECA Brands of BPRS Vertical. Accessrolegiven to theDistributors and the Sales Manager )-Instasight( Customer Visit Report for ECA Brands of BPRS Vertical. Accessrolegiven tothe Distributors and the Sales Manager )-Order Progress Report(Order Progress Report which provides details on the status oftheOrder.Feature to look for orders on the basis of Product attributesalso)
Nest-In 1.0
Tata Steel
Nest-In solution is a completebuildingsolution by TATASTEEL, which provides a simple and quicksolutiontobuilding houses.The NEST-IN is a light gauge steel frame construction solution,madeof cold rolled high strengthgalvanised steel, which offers high seismic resistance.The solution comes with standard doors, windows, foundation,andinstallation service.Nest-In is ideal for applications like Houses, Shops,MedicalClinics, Community Centres, Site offices,Guard Huts, Aaanganwadi, etc.Features :- View Open orders with project execution details(Timelines&Images)- Share Order- Option to upload progress by CAM- Guest can view News feeds,FAQ's and Gallery
TEJ 6.1
Tata Steel
This application is for the area sales officers who are operatinginthe market, to collect data from the field. The application canbeused to take orders, collect outstanding payments and capturemarketfeedback for the retail sales channel of Tubes Business unitof TATASTEEL. It also lets know the geographical movement of thesalesofficers while tagging the exact location of the dealers.This appis strictly for use in the retail sales channel of Tubesunit ofTATA STEEL only and not for general public usage.
TATA Steel Runs 1.9
Tata Steel
This app includes all 3 Race Events of Noamundi, Jamshedpur andBhubaneswar
SITARE 1.0.0
Tata Steel
Tata Structura’s ‘Sitare app’ is a platform to reward theloyalFabricators. It works in 4 simple steps:- Enroll, Purchase,EarnPoints and Redeem. 1. Enroll: - Fabricators can enroll inSitareProgram by registering in any Tata Steel Dealership Stores.It ismandatory to provide First Name, Last Name, Address andMobileNumber for Registration. 2. Purchase: - Fabricators shouldpurchaseTata Structura from registered Dealership Store. 3. EarnPoints: -Fabricators have to login into the Mobile App and click onADDPOINTS in home page. Once clicked, select the name of Dealer,enterthe Purchase Amount and Date of purchase. Upload the bill andclickon Submit. Once submitted, an OTP will be sent to the Dealer.Enterthe OTP received by Dealer and click on Submit. After youenter thecorrect OTP, points will be allocated based on thetransactionamount. 4. Redeem: - Fabricators can redeem the pointsearnedacross variety of rewards available in the platform. Therewardsinclude Mobile Recharge, D2H Recharge, Gift Vouchers ofTitan, BigBazaar, Reliance Fresh etc. and White Goods like Mobile,TV,Refrigerator etc.
Digiwheels 6.0.9
Tata Steel
Digital aggregator platform of vehicles for serving thein-planttransportation needs of employees. Book rides on varioustypes ofvehicles for a variety of needs - material transportation,plantmaintenance services, man-power movement, etc. Dedicated appforthe use of Tata Steel's employees and transport partners.
TATA Sampoorna 288
Tata Steel
The Tata Sampoorna application is a one stop platform forallChannel Partners of Tata Steel’s B2C brands. Theapplicationfacilitates lead capture and tracking for various groupbrands'Channel Partners through its journey to final sale. Smart,Seamlessand Superior…these in a nutshell best describes TataSampoorna, aone of a kind platform for all Channel Partners of TataSteel’s B2Cbrands. The application caters to all the importantmembers in thechannel value chain viz starting from Sales Managers(SMs),Distributors, Business Managers (BMs), Area Sales Officers(ASOs)to Customer Service Executives (CSEs) and Dealers.Additionally,the application also helps to effectively keep trackon thepromotions and marketing activities conducted for all thebrands.It helps understand planned targets leading to actualexecution. Ona larger scale, the application also helps gatheruseful marketinsights for each brand and paves the road ahead foroverall growthof not just the brand but also its stakeholders. Themajor featuresthe application include – · Organizing, Capturing andTracking ofMeets · Gathering of Consumer Insights, Quality, SupplyandCompetition · Scheduling, Re-scheduling of Meetings for ASOs·Meeting cancellation and updating using TFP · Communicatingwithcustomers directly through SMS es, sent from the applicationitself· Viewing of Sales Dashboard to constantly track SalesTargets,Actual Sales and Compliance · Facility to add Dealers toRetail Runand observe the minutest details - all enabled throughgeo-taggingfeature · Frequent Consumer Visit Reports (CVR), enabledthroughgeo-tagging · Access to regular Reports on Sales, Meets,Leads,CVR, Order Booking, Retail Run etc. This digital strategy isset tosupport high workforce mobility and provide Channel Partnersasimple and engaging experience, fulfilling the objectives ofamodern-day organization, orchestrating data in a managed,secureand context aware manner. So, get ready for a complete andend toend digital approach with Tata Sampoorna.
TMH Vishwas 7.3
Tata Steel
Tata Main Hospital
TBnet 1.7
Tata Steel
An end-to-end solution platform for Tata Bearings channel customers
TGS Despatch 2.0.0
Tata Steel
Tata Steel Limited (TSL), formerly Tata Iron and SteelCompanyLimited, is an Indian multinational steel-making companybased inJamshedpur, Jharkhand, and is headquartered in Kolkata,WestBengal, India. It is a subsidiary of the Tata Group. It`sE&Pdivision is the core capacity augmentation arm of the steelgiantand is accountable for executing large capex projects. Itaspiresto be numero uno among its peers in efficiently managingmegaprojects. Innovation is a key aspect of its efforts to enablean'#Atmanirbhar' India. It's constantly creating unique solutionstohelp businesses take a step towards self-sufficiency. As afrontrunner in leveraging digital transformation, it’s makingsteadyprogress in using latest industry standards for creatingsolutionsthat can drive financial and operational impact. Tosupport thisaspiration, its digital team has developed TGS Despatchapp, whichwill help the TGS Despatch team in facilitating requestedvehiclesto the Project Managers efficiently and at the same time,lettingthe Project Managers specify the loading points for theassignedvehicles and mark loading completion of the vehicles. Thiswillhelp in reducing the lead time from vehicle entry till exitfromTGS. Timestamps of all events would be captured and can beusedlater to analyze delays, if any, at any stage. Apart from that,theapp users may contact the development team, in case they haveanysuggestion or queries, through Contact IPMS Team option ofAboutscreen, wherein App related information like App Version,supportedAndroid versions are also present. As App security is ofutmostimportance, Biometric authentication on application resumehas beenprovided.
Drishti (CFS) 1.0.2
Tata Steel
Tata Steel Limited is an Indian multinational steel-makingcompanyand a subsidiary of the Tata Group. It is one of the topsteelproducing companies globally and the second largest steelcompanyin India (measured by domestic production). The project willtrackexport materials (FeCr) from the point of bagging at plants tothepoint of discharge at overseas. And from the defined project,thisapplication will help end-user to unload bags from truck&stuff container with unloaded materials. At CFS,unloadingsupervisor will select the STO and truck number beforestartingunloading process Unloading will be done by following steps- 1.Login into the app using your ADID/Non ADID Credential. 2.SelectSTO 3. Enter valid truck number to start the process. 4.Entergross weight of the truck. 5. Unload bags by scan each bagfromtruck or user can choose to unload bags without scan. 6. Entertareweight of the truck. 7. Validate weight and accept orrejectconsignment depending on the weight validation. ContainerStuffingwill be done by following steps - 1. Login into the Appusing yourADID/Non ADID Credential. 2. Select one or multiple STO3. Entervalid container number to start the process. 4. Enter tareweightof the container. 5. Scan bags to load the container withmaterialsfrom Bag. 6. Enter gross weight of the container. 7.Validatecontainer summary & confirm the shipment.
Vehicle Safety Check 1.0.2
Tata Steel
Tata Steel Limited, formerly Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited,isan Indian multinational steel-making company based inJamshedpur,Jharkhand, and is headquartered in Kolkata, WestBengal, India. Itis a subsidiary of the Tata Group. Innovation isa key aspect of ourefforts to enable an '#Atmanirbhar' India.We're constantly creatingunique solutions to help businesses takea step towardsself-sufficiency. As a front runner in leveragingdigitaltransformation, we're making steady progress in usinglatestindustry standards for creating solutions that can drivefinancialand operational impact. Vehicle Safety Check app isdesigned to helpthe concerned persons in logging the safety checkresult and remarksagainst each safety check points, based on TSLE&P standardvehicle safety checklist, while performing thephysical inspectionof the vehicle itself. This will reduce thedouble effort of notingdown the result on a paper while performingthe physical inspectionof the vehicle and then entering the samein web based applicationlater after returning to work place. Thiswill reduce the lead timeand increase the efficiency of theconcerned persons. Apart fromthat, the concerned persons maycontact the development team, incase they have any suggestion orqueries, through Contact IPMS Teamoption of About screen, whereinApp related information like AppVersion, supported Androidversions are also present.
FerroHaat: Sell ferrous steel scrap to Tata Steel 7.0
Tata Steel
Tata Steel has pioneered steel making in India andmanypath-breaking initiatives in the steel industry. It standsforresponsible and sustainable steel making. It has recentlyforayedinto Steel Recycling Business. This entails setting-up ofFerrousScrap Processing Plants pan-India. Ferrous Steel Scrap wouldbeprocured by Tata Steel and processed in thesestate-of-the-artPlants. This can be your chance to associate withTata Steel inthis New Initiative. We invite you to join us on thisexcitingjourney as a Ferrous Scrap Supplier. On partnering, youwill 1.Experience Ease of doing business 2. Transact business inatransparent & fair manner 3. Track & Manage orderswithease 4. Be assured of timely payments 5. Get information&insights about the scrap industry 6. Learn and implementbestpractices in your business 7. An early mover in thechangingparadigm 8. Be a part of the Tata Way of Life How it works:BazaarSelect the type of scrap you’d like to supply to Tata Steel.Key inthe quantity. Accept TSL terms & conditions. PlaceOrder.Khaata Keep a track of all the active and closed orders.Fulfillorders by scheduling dispatch/pickup for committedquantity.Aabhaar Supplier Loyalty Programme, coming soon. SamachaarBeup-to-date with the latest business and technology updates intheworld of steel recycling. Jaankaari Get in touch withTSLrepresentatives for any queries or concerns in dealing withTataSteel. Varg A detailed compendium of various grades of scrapwithquality parameters that Tata Steel is buying Please reach outto uswith any questions you may have at [email protected]
Suraksha 2.0.0
Tata Steel
TSL`s E&P division is the core capacity augmentation arm ofthesteel giant. It is accountable for executing large capexprojects.It aspires to be numero uno among its peers in efficientlymanagingmega projects. Tata Steel has proactively devised a systemtocapture travel history and work place presence of all itsemployeesand contract workers. This android app helps in earlyscreening ofpeople at its entry gates for detection of their riskprofilesprobabilities. This assist in restoring confidence in theworkingpopulace inside TSL plant that there is enough safeguards inplaceat Tata. So that they can diligently work without an iota offear.This app helps security staff and vendors` administrationstaff toeasily verify the profile status of their workers andtakenecessary actions. Using this app any device with NFC readerandgood quality camera can scan HF Mifare RFID cards and QRcodeseffortlessly. Scanned information is then processed andrelevantaudio-visual alerts are generated to guide forsuitableintervention.
DriveOn 2.0.1
Tata Steel
TSL`s E&P division is the core capacity augmentation arm ofthesteel giant. It is accountable for executing large capexprojects.It aspires to be numero uno among its peers in efficientlymanagingmega projects. To support this aspiration, its digital teamhasdeveloped DriveOn app which resonate the same vibes.DriveOnsymbolizes its untiring spirit of keep moving in buildingvaluablecapital assets for nation`s growth & prosperity. Asprojectrequires precision construction with complete control oncost &time, DriveOn promises to be at service for deliveringbest onsitetravel experience for its construction team. It thriveson optimalutilization of hired cabs` pool safely during currentchallengingtimes. DriveOn charismatically flaunts its intuitiveinterface andefficient work flows. It harnesses full potential ofutilizedGoogle map APIs for location identification, autofillplaces names,drag and drop features for smooth selection of pick-upand dropsites etc. Cabs drivers reliably uses features ofin-appnotification & sms messages during cab assignments,tracingrequester to pick up location, logging trip details etc.Systemtracks complete plan & actual trip route and generateinsightsfor variance analysis and subsequent enhancements. Waitinguser canalso follow location of approaching assigned cab. Itsupportsfeature of merging two of more requests based on time,directionand destination. System encourages to plan travel a daybefore sothat travel manager can serve all requests to the best ofavailablecabs and aligned routes. System generates lots of insightsaboutthe requests, trip details and user mobility to keepenhancingcustomer experience. This evolving system is all set tocompetewith varied services standards like request servicetimecompliance, per traveler per kilometer cost, accident freeservicehours etc. Overall it aims to bring on-time safe cab serviceforE&P`s diligent professional team which is committed tosurpassall mega industrial construction benchmarks
Sambandh 1.1
Tata Steel
Sambandh facilitate a civil engineer for reference datalikestandard values /thumb rules, constants, tables, etc.duringconstruction. Sambandh enables resolution of day to day lifecivilengineering requirements which may resolve few issues andsavetime. The application will cover the following features:Unitconversion (Not all conversions. Those normally used in day todaylife like cubic meter to cubic feet, Hectre to acre orsquaremeter, Ton/m2 to Kg/cm2 etc) Material weights.(Constructionmaterials like Brick, Plaster, Earth, Slag, Structuralmembers,Aggregates, PCC etc) Rebar adjustments. (Using rebaravailable atsite corresponding to designs) Discharge calculationand Sectionadequacy. (Checking section of drains) SBC of soil fromSPT “N”,CBR value and dynamic Core Penetration Resistance.FlexiblePavement design. (Finding road sections) ResourceCalculator(Earthwork, Concrete) Material Consumptions. (Like cementqty inplaster, brickworks, concrete etc)
Drishti (Loading) 1.0.2
Tata Steel
Tata Steel Limited is an Indian multinational steel-makingcompanyand a subsidiary of the Tata Group. It is one of the topsteelproducing companies globally and the second largest steelcompanyin India (measured by domestic production). The project willtrackexport materials (FeCr) from the point of bagging at plants tothepoint of discharge at overseas. And from the defined project,thisapplication will help end-user to load Bags into respectiveTruckafter Bagging. Loading will be done by following steps - 1.Logininto the app using your ADID Credential. 2. Select STO/SO 3.Entervalid truck number to start the process. 4. Scan bags usingQR-Codescanner. 5. Confirm the shipment information to completetheprocess.
i3M 1.0.3
Tata Steel
TSL's E&P division have identified digital as a key enablerforsuccessful execution of mega construction projects. To keeptrackof construction resources like Man, Machine & Material, anIIoTbased solution viz. i3M system has been implemented atitsconstruction sites. Having full awareness of constructionresourceshelps in better work plans leading to safe taskscompletion.Presently this i3M app has been designed to assist theConstructionVendor partners to record the presence of their staffbeforeengagement in jobs under work permits. It provides facilitytorecord a details of critical Tool Box Talk (TBT) meetingincludingparticipants information by scanning the QR code of theiraccesspasses. Post TBT, the captured attendance becomes availableforwork permit creation. With this app, multiple vendor managerscanconduct multiple TBTs against a approved work plan.Suchconsolidated resource presence report would assist ingeneratingproductivity reports and actionable insights.
Agrico Saathi 1.1
Tata Steel
This application is for the area sales officers of Tata Agrico.
TSL CARes 2.0
Tata Steel
* The application is developed to provide a platform forregisteredusers to log complaints related to material received andprovidefeedback to Tata Steel. * This system also pertains tomaintenanceof details of complaints received, status of complaintsand actiontaken to resolve those complaints. * This app allowsusers to trackcomplaints and facilitate timely resolution ofcomplaints logged byempowering customers. * It is aimed to providefast and accurateinformation to help management make meaningful andeffectivedecisions to enhance customer satisfaction.
EzyGreen 1.8
Tata Steel
One stop shop for By-Products from Tata Steel
Tata Steel Compass
Tata Steel
Tata Steel Compass: Bringing in a seamless purchase experienceforour customers
Ecafez 360
Tata Steel
Read latest news about Tata Steel & Steel industry forECADistributor Parivaar
Tata Steel
DigEca is a digital solution for easy to buy and exploresteelProducts
Shaktee Kosh Rewards 1.0.7
Tata Steel
A program by Tata Steel to reward loyalty of Shaktee & Koshfabricators, dealers
Tata Steel Aashiyana 6.0
Tata Steel
Dream. Click. Build - simplify your Home Building journey.
TMH Vishwas V2 1.0.0
Tata Steel
Get online doctor consultations,access to specialists from alloverindia
Agrico Saathi 1.8
Tata Steel
This application is for the area sales officers of Tata Agrico.
CQMS 1.0.0
Tata Steel
Coil Quality Management System
Tata Bearings Authentication 1.3.0
Tata Steel
App to check the authenticity of Tata Bearings.